About Me

Dr. Moe Alachkar

Medicine is not limited to treating diseases, but it is a lifestyle

I have dedicated my life to helping you enhance your mental health and personal growth. Through online platforms and public presence, I share valuable information, inspire resilience, and encourage you to be the best version of yourself

Join me on this journey to develop a positive mindset, face mental health challenges, and strive for a better, more fulfilling life

Each platform is dedicated to guiding you in rediscovering your inner child and unleashing your full potential in life. Together, we will be able to treat your mental health problems and overcome depression, anxiety, and challenges in your social and emotional life.

My Family of over 3,000,000 Followers across all social media platforms and about 25,000 People who improved their life to its fullest

Current training courses 30% discount

7 doors to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve success.

  • The lost child inside you
  • your surrounding circle
  • Instincts and desires are the fuel for continuity
  • The three messages of success
  • Failure is the key to success
  • The right partner is either a heaven or a hell
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SERVICES 30% discount

A consultation session with Dr. Moe Alachkar to solve your problems

  • Psychology
  • relationships
  • motivation
  • positivity
  • search for life purpose
  • study orientation

Do you feel tired? Rejected - Depressed? Do you suffer from social, family, emotional or psychological rejection? Feeling afraid and don't know where to start? You watch videos and read books and still struggle to find a solution because your problem is specific?

I have the solution for you

Book a consultation because it may change your life. There are more than 150 people who have benefited from me, and you could be next.

Book a phone or video callBook a phone or video call